St Mary Magdalen Church
Registered Charity No. 1130923

Prayers for When You Feel Anxious Colouring Pages
Prayers for the pandemic
Take a Moment
Hope Siesage, a member of our parish, works in the chaplaincy division of Methodist Homes. She has written this piece for their internal newsletter and has agreed to share it with friends in St Mary’s and St Guthlac’s.
Outdoor Worship Risk
Assessment for 22/12/20
Prayer for Peace
Awaken us to you: Living Presence
We bring all we are: mind, body, & emotions
Becoming aware of our breathing:
we ask you to fill us with Shalom.
Church of England Corona Virus Prayers
Click here
Lent Group Virtual Study Guide - Les Miserables
Please note that you can follow our 2020 study here. To access Live Lent 2021 please visit https://www.chpublishing.co.uk/apps/live-lent
Social Media-staying connected
Read these instructions to set up a personal Facebook account and to join St Mary's Facebook Page
Here are some prayers that you might like to use at home.
Knighton Good Neighbour Scheme
Knighton Neighbourhood Forum, in conjunction with Leicester City Council and our Ward Councillors, have put together the Knighton Good Neighbour Scheme which can assist and identify not only those in need at this difficult time, but also those able to help. Please click here to find out more.
A service for use at home
A short liturgy to celebrate a spiritual communion at this time in your home

MIND have produced a range of really helpful tips and fact sheets to support us during the Coronavirus situation, there’s a wealth of information under the following headings:
Take care of you mental health and wellbeing
Plan for staying at home or indoors
Tips for if you have to stay at home and self -isolate