St Mary Magdalen Church
Registered Charity No. 1130923

St Mary's Sunday Club
We meet during church on the second and third Sunday's of each month. The first Sunday is All Age Worship day in church and on the fourth Sunday we join with our neighbours for Church Club at Holbrook Hall, next to St Guthlac's Church on Holbrook Road..
Sunday Club is for all children and we welcome parents who might like to stay with their very young children.
Sunday Club takes place in the Parish centre, just around the corner from the Church.
Sunday Club teaching follows the Lectionary and similar readings are heard, as in the Church Service, but from a suitable Bible for younger persons. We are a mixed age group and our teaching of the Christian Faith reflects this. Appropriate crafts are an integral part of the teaching. Work of the children/young people is displayed on the notice boards in the Narthex, the edible bits are usually eaten immediately!
The congregation meets in Church and the children leave after the first hymn for our own age appropriate teaching. We all return to the main body of the Church to receive a Blessing or to take Communion. Sometimes we return to finish off the work in progress but usually we return the children to the care of their parents.
There are always two Sunday Club Leaders, all of whom have been DBS check, present at each session. Our Young Leader always works in conjunction with an adult who has been checked. We help and encourage all those present to think about their beliefs and to answer their questions wherever possible.
The children are actively encouraged to take part in the craft activities. Sometimes these crafts are shown to the congregation during the notices and a brief explanation may be given by a young adult as to what the lesson was about and what it had taught them.
The Leaders take time to consider their teaching and produce a lesson that all the children and young people can understand and get something from each week. Hopefully it takes them through to the next Sunday when they will return to hear more and be able to recharge their batteries once again.